Saturday, August 9, 2008

Dunkin Donuts: Breakfast Under 300 Calories

I woke up this morning and realized that I was OUT of coffee to brew. I put on my shoes and drove to the Dunkin Donuts to purchase a cup of coffee... ONLY. I was not to be tempted by any of the donuts that were making my mouth water just thinking about it. When what should I spy on the door, but a sticker advertising Dunkin Donuts flatbread sandwiches for under 300 calories... I was intrigued, yet skeptical that a place reknowned for its fried bits of dough could offer lo-cal & healthy fare.

I ordered the egg white and turkey sausage flat bread, and it was served to me lightning fast. It was also smoking hot.

The sandwich tasted GREAT. The flat bread was toasty and the egg white & turkey sausage filling part was tasty. There even was some cheese melted on the top as evidenced by the cheesy goodness portrayed below:

Nutritionally speaking, 280 calories, only 50 calories from fat. 3 grams of fiber and 19 grams of protein. Click here for a full nutritional accounting.

I loved this sandwich!

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