Friday, August 15, 2008

Flab to fab in 4 months

Emily Yoffe, Slate's Human Guinea Pig, decided that for the first time in her life she would work out hard and get buff.

Did she enjoy the transformation? "If Torquemada were alive today, he wouldn't be a torturer, he'd be a trainer," she writes. She also did something that I and my sister do at the gym -- give people nicknames. At my gym, I have Drummer Boy, who plays imaginary drums on the elliptical; Skeevie Wonder, whose creepy pageboy haircut and short-shorts are NOT becoming on a man of his age; and Towel-head Guy, who sweats so excessively he has to put a bath towel on his head while he works out.

You can read her story HERE and catch a video preview below.

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Carol B. Martorella said...

SKEEVIE!!! Also, the man who throws the weights down, making me a bit nervous, as he was on the 2nd floor of the gym...