Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Introducing: Produce of the Week

I bit into a delicious pear today at my desk, realizing that I never buy pears. Why do I always pass by the pears and go to my old standbys, green and red apples, clementines and the occassional banana?

Part of my produce patterns is to just buy what I know... what is safe... am I afraid that the pear I will buy will taste like a potato? Is this why I never buy a cantaloupe or a honeydew melon? Frankly, yes. I've always tried to buy cantaloupe that "looks" like the ones my mom buys, and the ones she gets are always good. I know there's something to how the netting looks, blah, blah, blah... with the cost of food, who has the money to risk it?

So, I've decided to introduce "produce of the week", where I will buy and prepare (if needed) a fruit and/or vegetable that I normally don't purchase or consume. I did this a few years ago for the sake of my children with vegetables and fell in love with roasted beets.

So, thanks to the great produce that the cafeteria ladies at American Heritage offer me, I will be profiling a produce find of the week.

Anyone have any suggestions for my first foray into the other side of my produce department?

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Molly Brockwell, OSB said...

Here's my nomination: Jicama. I'd seen 'em in the store forever, but had no clue what it tasted like or how to eat it until I spent some time in Mexico. Their homely appearance hides a wonderfully crunchy, juicy, slightly sweet interior. They are great cut into sticks for snacking or dipping, or grated into a slaw or salad. Onlookers may ask why you're eating a raw potato, but you know you're eating something WAY tastier!

D'anna said...

The red pears are fabulous in salads. And they don't turn brown!