Saturday, September 20, 2008

GE foods... What are they thinking???

I was proctoring a test today at school and during one of our breaks, I came across this article about GE (Genetically Engineered Foods). I was nauseated at the fact that scientists are starting to mess with the genetic composition of farm animals and some fish to speed up the growth to produce super animals -- where a wild salmon can take up to 3 years to grow to maturity, GE salmon can get there in 18 months.

My first thought is if they mess with the fish to make it grow bigger in half the time as normal, what will that do to the people who consume it? Will it make us grow faster?

I think the scientists need to stay out of the farms, rivers and crops of our food supply and stay in the laboratory... find a cure for the common cold.

...and I think I'll keep shopping organic... or start raising chickens... or become a vegan..

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