Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Biggest loser discussion Group: Here we go!

Bob and Jillian hand-picked their teams: Bob’s got 4 sets of married couples and Jillian’s got 4 sets of parents and kids. I interviewed Bob earlier this year and he loves the familial teams. He likes that the kids and their parent "enablers" are dealing with their issues together.

Wanna read more about the season 6 premiere? Click HERE.

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Hippofatamus said...

Hi there! I was shocked at this episode. I mean how exactly does one person loose 27lbs in a week? This was the topic of todays post on my blog too.

Carol B. Martorella said...

It took me 12 weeks to lose 30 -- I'd kill to lose 7 lbs in a week, let alone 27!

I suppose if you live in a cloistered (is sequestered a better word choice?) environment, where all you do is exercise for 8 hours a day, and you have a ton of weight to lose, perhaps 27lbs is not unheard of.

Bully for them - I can't wait to see the next episode!