Saturday, October 4, 2008

Easy healthy breakfast Starbucks giveaway

Marielle, Erica and Runnin4fun -- so far you're the winners of our Starbucks gift card giveaway.

Some ideas from our trio:

  • Western Bagel alternative bagel with a Laughing Cow cheese wedge
  • Oatmeal with a little brown sugar, walnuts, craisins and skim milk
  • Shredded wheat with banana or blueberries on top

Please e-mail your name and address to dietexaminer(at) (replace the at with an @) and we'll get your gift cards right out to you.

And for everyone else, we still have a few gift cards, so it's not too late to get your easy healthy breakfast idea in!

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Carol B. Martorella said...

Oooh.... I love the Western bagel and laughing cow cheese!!! You feel like you're doing something wrong on a diet, but it is so good!!!