Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Biggest Loser discussion: Amy gets sacked

NBC photo

Jillian vows to help Michelle and Renee by beating the weight off of them. Aww, how generous of her. Poor naive Amy thinks all is well with Icky Vicky but she's still out to get her.

Then Ali trots out Jerry Rice and Steve Young who demonstrate an NFL-inspired combine workout, which Icky Vicky game-played to win. Boo. But she did win $10,000 to donate to a school to fight childhood obesity.

The challenge: More football. They have to catch footballs dressed in their cute little football uniforms. The blue team works in unison to wipe out the black team. Then Icky, nay, EVIL VICKY starts working to pick off Amy. Poor naive Amy. And Vicky wins again. Vicky exults "I'm goin' to the Pro Bowl!"

Oh, shut up.

Rocco DiSpirito stopped by and showed the crew how to make a lighter Thanksgiving. His poached turkey looked really interesting as did the awesome stuffing. (Don't worry, I found Rocco's Biggest Loser Thanksgiving recipes). I may also give the quinoa pasta a try since it's higher in protein than the regular stuff.

After the Thanksgiving meal, they got to watch videos of their family give inspiring holiday messages. Spoiler alert: This stuff was filmed during the summer so the Thanksgiving messages were kinda weird. Since the finale is less than a month away (Dec. 16) all the contestants are home right now for Thanksgiving.

To read more, go to tinyurl.com/biggestloserdiscussion.

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Lisa Newton said...

I'm glad I read this after the show was over. There's a 3 hour time delay for the West Coast.

I'm a big fan of the Biggest Loser and a part of me really loves watching the program.

But, there's also a part of me that hates the idea of someone who successfully lost 5lbs being kicked off and told they're not the Biggest Loser.

But, I guess that's part of the game.............:)